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Terms For

.gay Terms

The .gay TLD has its own terms to ensure .gay is not used for hateful content. We WILL NOT add your website if:
* Your website contains content made to be hateful towards the LGBTQ+ community
* You engage in targeted harassment of those in the LGBTQ+ community
* Your website contains content made to be offensive towards people of color, including indigenous people
* You requested a domain for hateful / targeted harassment (ie: using gay as a derogatory term)
* Your website hosts content that is otherwise hateful or harmful to minority groups

Personal Terms

* is meant solely for personal websites. Because of this, I will not add websites indended for commercial uses.
CLARIFICATION: You are able to run advertisements on your website, paid or unpaid, but I will not accept websites for commercial entities, such as stores. Exceptions will be made for certain situations, such as an LGBTQ+ artist selling their artwork.
* Websites hosting explicit content will be added, but only if a warning page is shown when entering.
* Websites offering illegal services will not be added.
* Spam and otherwise malicious websites will not be added.
* Because of the limit on redirects, only one domain per person is accepted.

In short, don't be a dick with your site.

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